It Gets Better

Contrary to what this blog may lead you to believe, I can be serious at times, and I am deadly serious when it comes to queer activism and awareness. There has been a recent influx in both hate crimes directed at LGBT people, as well as suicides in direct reaction to homophobic bullies. No one deserves to be bullied. No one deserves to be hated for the way they were born. Violence is never the answer, and these bullies and homophobes are just cowards. Please, always remember:


There are people out there just like you. There are people out there who understand what you're going through. There are people out there who love you. And there are people out there who are just waiting to love you. You are never alone, even if it feels like it sometimes.

Please, take the pledge to stand up against hate and intolerance wherever you see it, to provide hope to LGBT and any bullied teen, and spread the message that it does get better by visiting:

If you or someone you know needs someone to talk to and/or is feeling suicidal, please do not hesitate to call The Trevor Project:

1-866-4-U-TREVOR [1-866-488-7386]

Below, I have posted a variety of videos with messages of hope. Take time to watch them, and remember, it will get better, and there are people who care, and there are people who love you. Thanks!